
Aaron Rail Supports Fijian soldiers with employment opportunities

Aaron Rail has been proud to support Fijian soldiers who served in the British military by offering various job opportunities on the railway. 


Many ex-servicepeople from Fiji have supported the British armed forces over the years, and in recent years some have unfortunately faced redundancy from the military.


However, seven years of serving under Her Majesty’s armed forces has enabled some of the soldiers to seek new opportunities in different sectors and Aaron Rail has lent a hand by providing support to several veterans.  


In an interview with the Fiji Times, former British Army officer Sokonaia Narawa revealed that discovering employment with UK rail companies has been of great assistance to many of his fellow soldiers as it helped them cater for their daily family living.


He joined Aaron Rail in 2008 after being made redundant following a major British Army cutback.


Since then, he has worked with Aaron Rail to assist many other former Fijian soldiers find job opportunities with other rail companies.



“Many of us are earning good money to cater for our daily family living and this job is really of great help in catering for our lives here in the UK.” Mr Narawa said.


“Some of our Fijian counterparts who are still in the army do weekend jobs here at Aaron Rail to cater for their family living, it’s a source of great assistance.”


Mr Narawa said since joining the company six years ago, he helped many others who looked for employment when they left the army, and this had become a trend.


“Now it’s easier for these other Fijians because we have the contact here, we have many railway companies in the UK and many of us are working here.”


“Working here is really different from our army because here, we do a lot of courses and pay rise depends on the courses we do.


“It has been the trend here that some join railway companies while some preferred to join private security firms.


“It is great that we get to help each other here and it’s good money. We just love it here.”


Dave Barnett, director of operations at Aaron Rail, said: “It is an honour and a privilege to support the Fijian servicepeople, whose sacrifices and bravery in defending our country should be hugely respected. Aaron Rail is a keen supporter of the armed forces and providing employment opportunities to ex-servicemen and women is an important part of our force-friendly approach as a business.


Dave added: “We are delighted to be able to provide opportunities for employment, training and further development for these people and hope they can enjoy long and successful careers in the rail industry.”


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