
Project - Hodges Farm Settle to Carlisle

Key Project Details

Client:                   Spencer & Network Rail

Start date:             August  2011

End date:               December 2011

Duration:               12 weeks

Value:                   £750k

Location:               Settle, North West

Project scope

As part of a wider programme of bridge renewals on the Settle to Carlisle branch Aaron Rail was commissioned to support the main works contractor Spencer in the completion of the track renewal works associated with the bridge renewal.

Aaron Rail Scope

Aaron Rail was procured to complete the following works:


  • Removal of the existing track over the old structure
  • Removal and reinstatement of the ballast.
  • Installation of the 90m of plain line on the Up and Down Lines
  • Welding and stressing of the new track.
  • All tamping activities.


Additional information and details


  • The core works were completed during a 54hr possession.
  • Working alongside the Spencer, Aaron supported with the integrated programme.
  • Collaborative working allowed the project to look at differing techniques and supporting function, enabling cost saving benefits to all parties.


All works were completed on time and budget, with no overruns and zero accidents and incidents.

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Stephen Smith, Operations Director, Transport for Greater Manchester

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