
Project - Network Rail

Key Project Details

Client:                  Network Rail

Start date:            October 2021

End date:              Ongoing

Duration:              N/A
Value:                   £250k+ p/a

Location:              Nationwide

Project scope

We manage the security of access points for all Aaron Access and Aaron Rail clients. This allows us to pass on a cost saving to these clients by providing a whole package rather than having to sub-contract this service.


The benefit of this is that we are able to work with a team in which we are familiar with their processes and how they operate (as another part of this business) so we can pass on this strong collaborative effort to benefit the client.

Aaron Rail Scope


All guards are PTS-trained, along with certification in SIA Guarding, Triple STS and first marshalling. Aaron Rail works with a NSAR gold-accredited training provider to carry out this training and all team members are part of our training matrix to ensure competencies do not expire.


Managing fatigue

Fatigue in security work is a significant factor – which is why our security teams are in line with all Network Rail fatigue regulations (taking into account the changes coming into place later this year). Our digital resourcing system includes use of the HSE Fatigue Calculator Index which allows us to ensure that our colleagues are ready to work. We also complete on site checks ahead of a shift to ensure that, even though they may be in line with regulations, that they are alert and safety-focused.




In this agreement, Aaron Rail implements use of a Lone Worker app – using technology as part of a checking-in process. Each colleague has a 15-minute window to confirm all is OK on site and this data is also fed through to the client, should they wish to see this. Escalation processes are in place should they not check in and we have contingency team members that can be deployed to either provide additional support, or check-in should there be an issue.

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Stephen Smith, Operations Director, Transport for Greater Manchester

The Aaron Group of Companies

Aaron Access

The UK’s number one controlled access company.

Aaron Guard

Bespoke security solutions to give businesses peace of mind.

Aaron Fire & Security

Aaron Fire and Security is a provider of specialist security alert and protection systems.

Aaron FM

Our specialist services division is headed up by John Scowen who has over 35 years in the industry.

Aaron HV

Delivering High Voltage engineering solutions on projects of all scales and sizes.


 Copyright Aaron Group 2021, All Rights Reserved.



Aaron Rail Limited, Registered in England and Wales, Number 08454101